

Ukraine-extortionist, hairsniffing-females-assaulter, corrupt-son-Hunter-protecting, eucharist-denied-for-being-abortion-choice, quasi-senile Joe Biden is into forced acceptance of reverse-gender pronouns and transgender rest rooms.

Imaginary Conversation Between Joseph and Mary

"Rape" Wife?



High-School Graduation-Test Final Exam

Traditia (Worship of Rituals)

No Choice: Dangers of "Original Sin" Theology

FEAR of God?

Why Believe the Bible?

Body Show

Who is God?

Original Sin Nature?


Demoncrats fail to mention that the word "impeachment" in the minds of many Americans means "removal from office". Such incorrect "guilty" inference is exacerbated by the impeachment-related word "acquittal" occurring in Trump's case, in which Trump ADVISED not "pressured" Ukraine.

But the term "impeachment" followed by "acquittal" in the minds of the savvy and discerning does not imply nor infer "impeachment" in the sense of "removal" but instead mere ACCUSATION, as in any trial where the defendant is not simply not convicted nor merely pardoned (if acquitted unless the case is deemed frivolous and thrown out of court) perhaps on a Technicality, but instead did not actually do what he or she was accused of.

This understanding of "impeachment" NOT being equivalent to "removal" is enhanced by the words "impeachment TRIAL".

"Impeachment" and "Impeachment Trial" are obviously not synonymous. Thus, the legal term "impeachment" is simply the same as "removal ATTEMPT" or ACCUSATION with INTENT to REMOVE".

For the last time, Trump did NOT "pressure" Ukraine but merely ADVISED them. In stark contrast, Joe Biden certainly DID pressure Ukraine to call off the Ukrainian Prosecutor investigating Biden's criminality-corrupt Burisma son Hunter, or else - with clearly reprehensible non-jesting high-crime impeachable extortion - threatened (in cohoots with Obama) to withhold $1B in foreign aid.

The devilish network media conniving hand in hand with certain satanic in government have fleshed out another Scripturally-described shenanigan of "following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who is now working in the [children] of disobedience (Ephesians 2:2) . . . by deliberately timing the culmination of the wait-after-Xmas-to-patronize-christians Trump Impeachment Trial (and with collusion from propagandizing anti-Trump network media), to fully convince everyone to immediately remove the [purported] imminent-threat-against-America President . . . to therefore promptly follow with aggressively attending and participating in the DEMOCRAT Caucuses in Iowa, New Hampshire, and so forth - again - having successfully brainwashed non-decided voters, [supposedly] now convinced of the purported dastardly insane criminality, corruption, and wickedness of Trump, to enthusiastically go to DEMOCRAT caucases and thus thereafter become diehard Democrats no matter even if DINO-despised but overwhelmingly-popular Bernie Sanders comes out ahead.

However, they did not expect that overwhelming pro-Trump anti-impeachment defensers would fight back so intensely that to-be-acquitted/now-acquitted-and -exonerated,Trump is now nearly a saint in the minds of non-decided voters compared to diabolically-unfair deviously-dishonest hatefully-biased House demoncrats and their political-candidates ilk.

Instead of brainwashing non-decided voters with lying and defamatory taxpayer-money-wasted propaganda to turn against Trump and his GOP, backfire is happening eventually causing many voters to vote instead in the GOP caucuses.

One of the underpinnings of demoncrat objection against the perfectly-acceptable long-standing Presidential policy perogative choice to take reasonable time to analyze time-period-limited foreign aid to fundamentalist-islamic Lenanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and even formerly/still-partially-corrupt? Ukraine to discern if American taxpayer funds were and are being wasted . . . is Demoncrat fear that dishonorably-discharged, stripper-impregnator/deserter, drug-addict, secretively-subversive, belligerent-creep Hunter Biden (who was quasi-"legally" funneling U.S. foreign aid funds and perhaps American military weaponry acquired from and to money-laundering Ukrainian gas company Burisma and maybe some of such to the anti-Ukraine Russian Federation and Chinese communists, in addition to pseudo-"legally" funnelling much of it into Joe Biden's campaign coffers against Federal Election Commission rules) was going to get his and his dad's American-taxpayer-money Ukrainian foreign aid fast enough to suit their proven-extortion-history-record, self-serving special interests.

Trump, in tandem with those having legitimate immunity because of national-security-based and Constitutional Executive Privilege, refused (but NOT "defied") illegitimate House-committee subpoenas - illegitimate because the full House did not vote on them, because subpoenas were not taken to Court for enforcement decisions, and because noTrump Counsel cross-examination was allowed by the House committee.

Perhaps Trump should not have specifically mentioned the Biden name associated with Ukrainian corruption in Trump's transcripted phone call to Ukrainian President Zelensky, and had Trump not done that, Romney might have voted differently on the first impeachment-attempt article. Mitt did not need to cross the crucial line, however, in expressing his objection concerning his final Trial vote on the Abuse article of impeachment attempt, but made up for it by his correct vote on the Obstruction article of attempted impeachment.

Our President calling James Comey a sleazy dirty cop should realize that the same James Comey, at crucial timing right before the 2016 Election, publicly announced re-opening criminal FBI investigation against national-security-endangering emails-goof Hillarius, thus tilting the 2016 Election in Trump's favor. The importance and effect of that public announcement by Comey must not be pooh-poohed nor marginalized. Asssuredly, demoncrats consider that announcement by Comey a dire disasterous mistake by the ridiculing-Trump Comey.

Trump's weakness is pandering not only to sexist-feminist inferior gender, but also to homogay perverts like Buttgag, both of which could conceivably undue him and his, come the Election of November 2020. The atrocity of homosexuality is not a frivolous insignificant trifle, especially in campaigning and government. Strong feelings against homosodomites can and will affect voter decisions, and not merely of genuine Christians throughout America. America in general is not ready, nor should ever be willing, to vote for a relugious male pervert who admits to having a cock-sucking, penis-in-rectum First-Lady "husband."

Too bad that Trump also advocated empowerment of inferior-gender filth with sexist and racist remarks in his patronizing/pandering-all SOTU Speech, like referring to religious agitators Marty King and Harriet Tubman.  And, he did not specifically thank Jesus Christ, but only referenced "god" - whoever the Hail that can be construed to purportedly be.

Leave it up to homodeviate finaglers to purport Buttgag won Iowa when Bernie got slightly more popular votes. Homoperverts are expert at cooking books and forcing people to do what they never intended to do, do not want to do, who are not the homoeffeminate/homosodomite supporters who lying, deceitful, deceptive homoqueers claim they are.

In voters' initial candidate preference at the Iowa caucuses on Monday night, Sanders had 24.7 percent, or 42,672 votes, and Buttigieg took 21.3 percent, or 36,718 votes.

In voters' reallocated preference, Sanders had 26.5 percent, or 44,753 votes, and Buttigieg had 25 percent, or 42,235 votes in the Iowa vote.

Buttgag paid Groundbase/Shadow to screw things up on Iowa caucus night, in cohoots with Krista Davis who worked with Google for eight years as a software coding tech and was part of Hillary's 2016 campaign under the direction of Tara McGowan who worked for the Obama campaign in 2012. No wonder that Iowa comm director Mandy McClure had such a red face in her photo. Nahum 3:13 applies: "Hey, your troops are women in your midst. The gates of your land are wide open to your foes; fire has devoured your fortresses."

Pelosi ripping a copy of Trump's articles of impeachment or objection to pro-feminist pro-racist parts of his SOTU speech, during which speech she infrequently applauded and even stood at times while clapping was quite telling, as she later commented on such action done for cordial politeness in appreciation for Trump not touching her hand in erotically-titillating handshake, concordant with the the RSV rendition of Genesis 26:11 and Second Corinthians 6:17 plus the KJV translation of First Corinthians 7:1.

Trump would do well to omit such flippant vulgarities as "hell of a" and "damn" etc. in his public professional speeches. His use of the words "great, smart, incredible" is noted and non-use of the words "awesome," "shit," "ass" and "God" or "Christ" or "Jesus".

Decent Public Female Hairstyles


Remember, Master-Jew Christ Jesus was cruelly and torturously crucified (not merely harassed with Gaza-originated fireworks) - by jealous disbelieving jews (5000 of whom later repented at the brave preaching of St Peter) and by compliant wimpish antisemitic romans around Passover time, which is at least once a year (instead of every Sunday) when Holy Communion should be celebrated by Christians, according to whenever-not-"often"-frequency alluded to in First Corinthians chapter 11. Celebrate that bloody sacrificial atonement provided by Messiah with 7-not-9-candle menorahs.

Remember, Master-Jew Christ Jesus was cruelly and torturously crucified (not merely harassed with Gaza-originated fireworks) - by jealous disbelieving jews (5000 of whom later repented at the brave preaching of St Peter) and by compliant wimpish antisemitic romans around Passover time, which is at least once a year (instead of every Sunday) when Holy Communion should be celebrated by Christians, according to whenever-not-"often"-frequency alluded to in First Corinthians chapter 11. Celebrate that bloody sacrificial atonement provided by Messiah with 7-not-9-candle menorahs.


Like deceptive and lying Satan in the Garden of Eden insinuating that ALL fruit from ALL trees should not be eaten, the statements of disdain and disgust from demonic perversion-loving media is deplorably overbroad by inferring that 99.9% of Earth's entire student, political, governmental, entertainment, and other population wants to stone the Sultan of Brunei for his strict morality and righteousness.

Such is reminiscent of what happened 2000 years ago on Calvary's Golgatha to similarly-righteous sinless and innocent You-Know-Who who, after being pseudo-"legally" murdered, got resurrected indestructible then ascended into Heaven and will someday return in truly-awesome power for catastrophic mass-annihilation vengeance at Armageddon.

Perhaps various LGBTQ perverts in the U.N., Amnesty, the State Dept, AP, Google, other pro-lesbian female perverts and their CNN, Facebook, Twitter, NY Times, Newsweek, etc and other satanic network media should interview sharia-loving hordes (about the Sultan's Torah-like laws) in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, plus 50+ more governments and myself -- this Leviticus 20:13-Torah-loving, Romans1:18-28 -&-1st-Corinthians 6:9-embracing Christian American author of http://antihomogays.tripod.com (and a LOT more) on the Web.

Remember, all you Sultan-hating filthy-ass perverts, what Jesus said about plucking out your eye and cutting off your hand if it offends you. He, like the Sultan, meant it literally, contrary to arrogant belligerent denial by demented Hell-bound ecclesiastical heretics and naysayers.


Certain nefarious congressional and several other subversives want to destroy the Electoral College by any means necessary.

A group of Democrat Senators introduced a Constitutional amendment that would eliminate the Electoral College and protections it provides the American people.

That bill is supported by Senators Dianne Feinstein (CA), Dick Durbin (IL), and Kirsten Gillibrand (NY). Or, to put it another way, New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago infidels want to be able to decide the next president all on their own.

The same day the Constitution-altering amendment was introduced in the Senate, presidential candidate Robert "Beto" O'Rourke announced his plans to abolish the Electoral College.

Thirteen states have signed on to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. That Compact is a diabolical attempt to circumvent the Constitution.

States that have passed the Compact are pledged to give all their electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the national wrong-headed popular vote -- regardless of how many righteous in their own state voted!

That means that if California, New York, and Illinois throw their massive evil-craving populations behind only one candidate, all the Compact states will be obligated to give their electoral votes to that candidate... ...even when that candidate didn't win any of those other states.

The Founding Fathers devised the Electoral College as a way to protect the voices of smaller states. No matter how small, every state was given a choice in the process.

So why are the treasonous launching a three-pronged effort to abolish the Electoral College?

Because it would virtually guarantee that only wicked-agenda candidates will always elections.

For example, homogays know that the major urban areas of this country -- New York, L.A., Chicago -- are all hotbeds for their radical anti-heterosexuality-only ideology.

The Electoral College is the only shield America has left to protect the voices of the majority of states from being overpowered by only a handful of over-populated demented strongholds.

America was never intended to be a pure democracy, but rather a Democratic Republic not establishing anti-Scriptural harmful heretic religion while not prohibiting the free exercise of godly, sensible, Creator/creationist-congruent-and-compliant, orthodox and traditional religion.

Unfairly-discriminatory majority popular vote of the many on the broad and easy road to Hell against the fewer Heaven-bound on the difficult and narrow road was never intended to dominate.

The Electoral College has not overridden the power of all-inclusive fairly-apportioned majority vote: the Electoral College with its system of weighted votes has maintained justice.

Without the Electoral College, New York's, Chicago's, and L.A.'s immoral hordes would dominate this country, and that is not an empty threat.Ohio and Colorado have recently joined the "Popular Vote Compact."

The conditions of this Compact kick in once the member states account for a majority of electoral votes -- and the vast remainder of the country won't even get a say.

The entire election process would be hijacked. This end-run of our Constitution needs to be challenged in the courts.

President Trump needs to direct his DOJ to file a suit against the Compact in court. At the rate it's going, this could be in effect by the 2020 election.


All women must be made to understand the full sociological impact of RSV's and NASB's rendition of hair loosening in Numbers 5:18, sword-pierced-mopheads in Deuteronomy 32:42, flowing-locks eroticism in Song 7:5 (understood in private marital context), the no-mopheadedness-as-prayer-shawls implications of KJV's First Corinthians 11:14-16 -- besides the anti-feminist import of Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:12-13, plus First Corinthians 14:33-38 and First Timothy 2:8-15.


Partial contents of my wallet will now be diverted to the hotels of Brunei owned by the Sultan, whenever I can afford them, concordant with Leviticus 20:13. Romans 1:18-28, and First Corinthians 6:9-10.

Also, I will be buying Brunei-owned Shell gasoline, whenever BP is not available.

Obviously, I am not going to let shit-ass pro-homosexual perverts and their ilk dictate who I fund, subsidize, and support.


Why are Google, Fox News, and other "conservative" pundits paying so much attention to and publicizing, thus promoting, AOC - a demonic cutesy young bartenderess-turned-NY-legislator?


God's created phenomena are manifestations of His immutable sovereign will - benign and not coercing nor demanding anyone violates them - but silently saying: "You have to accommodate to me, not vice versa. You have to get out of my way, because I am not going to get out of your way. You must - not merely should - adjust to me, not me to you."


The cases of Jesus on a cross exclaiming "Father forgive them..." is incomplete without the remainder of what He said: "...they know not what they're doing..."

Similarly with dangerously-but-righteously-sarcastic Stephen who called the ones stoning him to death "...stiff-necked uncircumcised in heart...". who petitioned the Father to not blame whoever among the accomplice stoners was guilty of disbelief and of murdering himself by non-justified stoning.

Jesus did not proclaim forgiveness from the cross to nor for those pharisees who quasi-blasphemed-the-Spirit who He had called "blind fools" who would "not escape Hell," but instead for the righteous Son-of-God-acknowledging centurion and many in the stirred-up crowd incited and brainwashed by fake-news-propagating pharisaic slander, 5000 of which crowd later repented at the preaching of Peter.

And one who did repent in accord with Stephen's dying petition of mercy was none other than St Paul, who wrote half the New Testament and became a prisoner of and for the Lord because of the same type of accursed destined-for-Hell disbelievers who murdered both Jesus and Stephen.

No impenitent murderer has eternal life residing in him (or her), nor ever will have.

If someone ignorantly sins against you, turn the other cheek while, as much as possible, letting them know what their ignorant sin was.

If they then or eventually repent, forgive them, but until they do, consider them not only your enemy but also God's enemy, and respond with needed and proper hostility or alienation, not wimpish approval, as Scripture commands.

Let me give you examples of what I discern is a legitimate application of a seemingly ridiculous, absurd, even demonic and satanic exhortation of Christ to "love your enemies, do not resist an evil person, turn the other cheek, forgive 70 times 7, and similar apparently-insane anti-justice-crap goofiness.

Jesus did NOT and does not require unconditional forgiveness, but His full statement contained and yet contains a crucial and vital ". . . if he repents . . . " clause.

To expound, if the person who sins (as Scripture defines it) against you continues to not repent, do NOT love nor forgive him or her - which is concordant with the Psalmist David who righteously exclaimed: "Do I not hate those who hate You, Lord? I hate them with perfect hatred."

And as Joshua stated in his book: "The LORD will not forgive your sins."

Those who blaspheme the Spirit will NEVER be forgiven, both in this age and in the age to come.

So watch your mouth, boy.

Never love, unless and until they say "I'm sorry" and thus repent. Hate and avoid within reasonable boundaries and legal limitations.

Regarding conflicts between me and my own inferior-gender wife, I am usually the one who initiates reconciliation, after which she fortunately complies. She is not deemed the inferior gender for nothing, in addition to her being more gullible to Satan's ploys like Eve was in the Garden as Paul stated in First Timothy 2:11-14.

Remember when Job's yuppie-status-craving wife told him to "curse God and die?" I wonder what became of her, and when the LORD restored new offspring to him, was she involved?

At times I have said to my Christian wife: "Say I'm sorry...SAY it!" to which she knows I really mean and want it, and reluctantly, quietly - but thankfully - does say exactly that, thus saving the marriage.

A milder form of legitimate hatred advocated by the Spirit through Paul's New Testament epistles is "avoid such persons" "do not associate with them" and Solomon stating "Leave the presence of a fool" -- unless called by God, as Samuel was against Agag of the Amalekites, to hack him to pieces with a sword. Or shoot down the crazed jap kamikaze before he shoots you.

There is more. If you are ignorantly or carelessly doing something the Bible considers wrong, and someone reprimands or tries to correct you, and you thus consider him your enemy, it obviously behooves you to cut him some slack, be merciful and loving and forgiving, because you are to blame and in the wrong and so deserve godly criticism.

God never forgives anyone who should forgive a penitent but does not forgive, and never requires anyone to forgive some impenitent person who does not deserve forgiveness.

God, the Ultimate Judge, does not forgive anyone who does not deserve to be forgiven, and that deserving forgiveness depends upon whether or not the one who sinned repents to God AND the one injustly offended. As the penitent prodigal stated: "Against heaven and against you have I sinned."

Keep in mind concerning (not regarding) sins under erotic duress of David with nude exhibitionist Bathsheba and the woman caught in adultery who Jesus conditionally did not stone that repentance was manifested by both, with consequences thereafter.

Recollect that Job's over-condemnatory counselors expressed penitence by probably petitioning Job to pray for them. Job, it is assumed, expressed penitence by then praying for them and confessing directly to the God of Creation, and Elihu never expressed repentance to anyone for anything, possibly being a Theophany, like the "man" who wrestled but did not overpower Jacob, like the "commander of the army of the Lord with drawn sword" for whom Joshua respectfully and obediently removed his sandals, and like the "Son of God" 4th person in Nebuchadnezzar's fiery furnace.


It is best, during Ramadan, to pray to the Lord, however many times, thanking the LORD, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel, for giving us His 66-books Holy Bible, written in Hebrew and Greek, and having the since-resurrected-and-ascended Son of God, Jesus Christ, die on a cross as sacrificial atonement for all who believe that - while occasionally fasting and having sex whenever, if necessary.


I heard rumors that anti-America/death-to-Israel islamic muslims rejoiced when, as anti-Jew "rep" Omar merely exclaimed: "someone did something" on 9 11 2001.

If she herself fearfully and shrewdly did not also exhibit exuberance or at least gladness, her cultic koranic close friends did, and she continues to be ashamed to publicly humiliate or embarrass them.

Is she not divorced, contrary to sharia law, and did she not mouth constitutional allegiance on a Qu'ran instead of a Christian Bible? Why the immodest non-long-sleeved-robed half-naked bare arms when interviewed by Colbert?

Those who voted her in are as anti-Scripturally, heretically, and subversively treasonous as she is.


Accusations have been spewed by scurrilous satanic revilers (destined, of course, for eternal punishment in real Hellfire, as substantiated in First Corinthians 6:9-10) that God and His righteous political/religious commentators are "racist, sexist/misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic," etc.

Each one named will be analyzed:

First, neither the word "Aramaic" nor the word "race" is anywhere in either Testament of the entire KJV Holy Bible. The word "seed" is used rather than "race". "Syriac" is present instead of "Aramaic." The word "seed" has nothing to do with skin color nor presence or absence of eyefolds. Faith-based genetic family geneology, however, is important, especially relating to Isaac-mocking inferior-Arab Ishmael (plus offspring) and Esau compared to superior Holy-Land-owners Isaac and Jewish Jacob/Israel (with progeny following).

Concerning "sexism," the holy ones definitely and rightly distinguish, differentiate, and discriminate as to comparison between human superior and inferior gender involving physical, mental, and spiritual capabilities and authority-structure designations (ref. Eccl. 7:26-28, Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:12-13, First Cor. 11:1-16 & 14:33-38, First Timothy 2:11-15, First Peter 3:7).

Eve, according to precise Genesis Text, was not created from Adam as an equal, but rather a helpmate, obviously implying subjection and assistance and cooperation, not domination nor even adversarial competition. Eve got us all into trouble, and Mary gave us the Son-of-humankind Potential to get us out of trouble. Hence, Old-and-New-Testament reference to the masculine-pronouned Trinity of Father, Son (of God, not Mary), and Holy Spirit (not mother, daughter, nor thing or force).

Neither the Lord nor His saints are afraid of (i.e have a "phobia" concerning not regarding) effeminately-"gay" and/or sodomite homosexuals, nor (cultic) islamic muslims. Rather, godly intention is either avoid or destroy them (gradually or suddenly), unless they repent with truly-Christian conversion.


Have a good testimony, especially during Ramadan's Lent, acknowledging inspirational revelation of the (Old-Testament) Tanach's Torah, Writings, and Prophets, during which prayers and fasting commemorating the sacrificial atonement of Pascal-Lamb [John 1/Colossians1/Hebrews1-credentialed ] Creator of the Universe Adonai Son of El Shaddai, manifested in the blood lineage of AHbraham, EEsock, and YAHkohb/EESS-rah-el and Jewish-not-AHrab [ not EESH-mah-el ] geneology of DAHveed (bear with my phoenetic Middle-Eastern-pronunciation spellings, if you will). Upcoming annual Holy-week Passover preceding Resurrection Day, when we utter: "He HAS risen," is one "whenever" not "often" Communion Celebration the Spirit through St Paul advocated in His no-female-mopheadedness-as-prayer-shawls First Corinthians chapter 11 to seriously reminisce about our Holy-Prophet/High-Priest/King-of-kings "Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" [ Isaiah 9:6 ] -- the universally-revered Name of the Son of Him "who has the wind clenched in His (Divine) fist" [ Proverbs 30:4 ].


TO: Melania Trump
FROM: Icorigin

Modestly keep your glorious loose-long-haired mopheadedness in an up-do chignon or single back-of-head ponytail whenever in general public camera view, concordant with implications of RSV's Numbers 5:18, Song of Solomon 7:5 (in private marital context), and KJV's First Corinthians 11:14-16 in the Holy Bible. Sometimes anti-Israel/pro-"palestinian" AOC and especially virulent-antisemite Omar (perhaps bald underneath her head rag) cannot be cited for improper hairstyle.


I thought that Edward Snowden exposed covert info that a lot more than Assange is alleged to have revealed. Tucker on Fox said that Assange (like James Comey) helped prevent Hillarius from becoming President in 2016.

Trump himself is said to have said that he loved Wikileaks, yet does not want anything to do with commenting about Assange.

So if Assange is indicted and convicted, it almost goes without saying that he should be pardoned.

So the Clintons-inspired Obama DOJ instigated the Mueller-witchhunt fake news that Trump supposedly conspired with Putin against Hillarius! Putin's Russians had more sense than to support a sexist-twit goofball crip like Hillarius. Poor James Comey - caught in the middle - but thank God that he reopened criminal investigation against Hillarius just before the crucial 2016 Election so that she lost.


Jeff Bezos has millions more than all demoncrat fundraisers combined. Zuckerberg is too busy censoring orthodox fundamentalist decency with his closed-system Facelook-tyrant operatives, as is the case with Twitter management (I obviously use neither).

Besides, let the prez-candidate demoncrats with their little piggy-bank amounts waste money on anti-Trump video, photo, and print media ads which brave and courageous non-naive male-majority voters, counters, and ballot transporters will never see.

One little cheap pro-Trump laser pen can blind the eyes of the richest bullies, or a swift kick in the nuts or shins momentarily cripple even the most powerful Hitllerian Obominite when it really matters. A cheap single BB from a non-firearm BB gun on demoncrat windshield glass can temporarily and perhaps fatally disorient a politically-demented pilot or driver, and an inexpensive tube of Crazy Glue can temporarily, seriously, and crucially thwart the locks of even the most diabolical and deplorable demoncrat devils. Flat tires happen.

A bag of angry hornets tossed into an anti-Trump conference room can work diversionary wonders, and a vicious barking dog or nude female streaker entering in gets the attention of satanic demoncrats while pro-Trump righteous slip by and do their thing.

A single-stamp snailmailed $5 contribution to Trump is better than a stampless $20, $50, or $100 gift to some democrat politician with no return address on the envelope. Pro-Trump emails are cheaper, more reliable and faster than cash to demoncrats inside anonymous snailmail.

No sane and sensible person in their right mind will listen to nor watch the combination crap propaganda from any satanic subversive media brainwashing, so wasted efforts are doomed to pathetic and laughable futility.

I remember with satisfying glee the shocked sullen looks and weeping of the anti-Trump sexist when Hillarius surprisingly lost 2016 Election night. Great YouTube videos to repeatedly review! I guess that my anti-Hillarius websites and emails, plus the voluntary non-paid fervent and cooperative, albeit somewhat expensive, activism of other Christians had its marvelous effect.

When it comes down to it, free, committed, diligent voluntary labor for a cause, health, absence of accidents and mechanical breakdowns, service favors, etc etc etc are worth more than money, but even a little money can go a long long way.

I get almost all my free news from certain non-Trump-defamatory, trustworthy internet sources -- not paid nor non-paid anti-Trump newspaper, magazine, and sudden-random-visual-terrorism live TV and politicals ads thereof....and lived quite well to tell about it and comfortably survive without fearfully suckholing to nor investigating even potentially scurrilous and needless anti-Trump distractions.

If the Spirit wants me to know anything vital, He will let me know by decent means without me pollutively pandering to perverts as to what shenanigans they are concocting next. "The fear of humans lays a snare" said the Psalmist. Be afraid of God, not godless perverts. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, will answer to the LORD sometime in the future.




Decent Public Female Hairstyles

This Christian/Jewish/Muslim-oriented Web-based or other entity, business, restaurant, prepay gas-n-groceries store, hardware store, worship center, realty, motel, bank, etc.
- under present DOMA federal law - legally reserves the right to prohibit entrance by, and/or employment and/or affiliated association with, the following persons:

(1) Homosexual couples claiming to be "married" who have acquired State Sodomy-Union Licenses or Biblically-defined equivalents.

(2) Female humans publicly exposing loose long hair (longer than mouth-level), sleevesless naked arms, slacksless nude legs, and/or socksless bare feet in noisy/attention-getting flip-flop sandals.

(3) Anyone who smokes and/or publicly exposes any non-earring body piercings and/or visible tattoos.

(4) Any male publicly wearing a ring or rings in either or both of their earlobes and/or utters profanity.

(5) Any adult human not carrying a concealed weapon, and a KJV plus RSV Bible.

Into your home, would you casually invite a filthy-language, Christianity-reviling, Bible-ridiculing, raging murderous sniper or homopervert child rapist? Knowing full well his previous reputation, and being thoroughly warned of his past record by others, would you even let him in the door? If you politely opened the door and he forcefully pushed his way into your house and started smashing things and bashing people inside your residence, would you not promptly phone 911 in a desperate plea for law-enforcement assistance on the double and urgent request for police to parade the bastard or bitch off your premises, pronto...followed up by a civil or criminal charge of at least hate-crime harassment and public-nuisance or disorderly-conduct trespassing?


The intrusive scenario mentioned above is basically what the naive and gullible do when switching on live airwave-broadcast or cable TV....or scan a typical [secular] newspaper or magazine!

It took this webpage author years to come to the concrete conclusion that it is impossible to successfully play cat-&-mouse avoidance with any form of TV-screen on-the-spot editing....whether partially-blocking the screen with paper covering the sight of the bottom 3/4 of the screen or raised legs doing the same while lying on the back or after-the-fact attempts to change channels soon enough with a remote control.

TV is great for pre-screened pre-edited video tapes or already-carefully-seen DVDs. Non-wanted material, in that case, has either been omitted, erased, or at least one is prepared to not view the non-desirable parts (if one remembers where they all are in media not censored by omission or erasure).

Otherwise, the TV should be turned off and kept off to avoid the relentless onslaught of partially-nude (i.e. partially-pornographic) female humans in TV programming (especially during non-predictable commercials), or other pro-homosexual, anti-Israel, pro-antisemitic-arab, pro-evolution, pro-abortion-choice, pro-feminist-sexist, pro-atheist, anti-Republican horsefeces!

No human being alive is any match for instantaneous video switching from decent programming on TV to in-decent garbage...like suddenly-appearing non-asked-for/non-solicited semi-nude commercials or other similarly lewd programming.

Sacred "ignorance" (away from the "depths of Satan" referred to in Revelation 2:24) is - indeed - holy bliss, allowing a refreshing and productive relaxation and absence of defiling stress...bypassing confusion, irritability, impatience, terroristic fear and apprehension, suspicion, exaggeration making mountains out of molehills and molehills out of mountains with half-lie (not half-"truth") news reporting (or better yet: mis-reporting).

As the Apostle Paul reminds us: "Bad company ruins good morals," so "do not associate with them" but instead "avoid them" and "leave the presence of a fool" with properly-discriminatory and discerning discretion -- not descending to the lurid "cultural awareness of diversity and self-expression" traditions and false customs of perverted men and perverted women who are experts in polluting the pure with putrid poison to innocent eyes and minds [and study I Corinthians 5:5,9-12, II Corinthians 6:14-18, Galatians 5 & 6, Ephesians 4:11-5:16, Colossians 2:4-10, etc.]

If there is something which the Lord Jesus Christ wants us to find out and know, HE will use sources, mediators, trustworthy informants, and acceptable media formats and techniques of HIS choosing....without us - in self-appointed gullibility, ignorance, or carelessness....bypassing His ways and means, thus preventing ourselves from being decimated and defiled by the devil's terroristic sudden-attack media pollution.

IF some divisive talebearers happen to mention us personally in some of their libelous media reports or exposees, the LORD will let us know what we should and should not do about it...so we personally don't have to be waste time searching for what they said and worrying - enslaved to watching Satan's media constantly because of us wondering what lies they are now spewing out to the general public about us or our respectable friends.

The best way to test out what is happening of "importance" in the world news (as the godly determine what that is!) is to briefly hear the headlines now and then on the radio [without watching pertinent or impertinent porn pictures accompanying such on TV]. Once we have gotten the opening sentence of the radio news report and discover that WW III has not started, gravity still works, and the sun will rise tomorrow, we can switch frequencies to wordless or Christian-lyric music or something less inflammatory or divisive on another channel which is relaxing and non-polluting -- away from the disruptive blabber of feminist-sexist anchoresses, reporteresses, and male morality-despisers. Remember, it will be next to impossible to find one decent fillet of value within a barrel full of rotten stinking fish, or to find one pearl or diamond while rummaging through the putrid diarrhea. There really is no need to constantly immerse ourselves in feminist-newscaster vomit.

Besides the licentiously impure partly-porno pictures popping up of filthy indiscriminate airwave-broadcast TV programming, the second worst phenomena of much broadcast-band TV assaulting our eyes and minds is the noise of noxious, sexually-harassing, feminist twits - arrogantly flapping their jaws in obvious power-obsessed audible/verbal competition against men. Such SO-CALLED "equal rights" craziness and absurdity causes extensive and far-reaching indescribably-massive confusion, impatience, irritation and worse having a plethora of even lethal consequences eventually. No wonder selective internet news is getting so popular - where the sane and sensible can bypass such damnable tripe!

Watch out for live TV programming!

More non-predictably-occurring anti-marriage, loose-long-haired/sleevelessness/legs-and-feet-baring porno indecency, feminist-sexist belligerence, effeminate and pseudo-"gay" homosexual brainwashing and pro-abortion-choice propaganda, heretical evolution mythology, silly worthless levity and foolish joking, demeaning loveless sarcasm and reviling blasphemy.....are displayed openly on the TV screen and secular newsprint (let alone the internet and books)......than from most other sources of deceptive delusion. The combination of visual moving images along with corresponding live audio sounds make it all extremely persuasive and mind-altering.

Speaking of non-justifiable exhibition of particularly female-human nudity (i.e. pornography), it is normal, natural, and expected for most men and women to want and need to see and touch each other's total nakedness at appropriate times in appropriate locations under appropriate [private] circumstances. That is why getting and staying married (with a healthy, innovative, and even artistic private sexual relationship during marriage) is vital.....and such satisfying and fulfilling marriage is the chief mortal enemy against pornography and lustful diversions....and why NIV's anti-marriage mis-translation of I Corinthians 7:1 is so diabolically destructive and socially harmful -- substituting touchy-feely massage and even harlotrous prostitution of all paid and non-paid types by stating that "it is good for a man to not marry!" And this within a compromise-for-money prostitution-accommodating, divorce-causing, massage-and-fornication-facilitating "bible" which fraudulently and dishonestly purports to be a "Holy Bible."

This webpage author has often wondered what the best way was to restrict, modify, control, expose, and edit out the previously-mentioned manure imposed (NOT "offered") upon victims when watching live-network TV (as contrasted and opposed to viewing pre-or-self-edited videocassettes).

Instantaneous video switching from the TV station by broadcasting benign material, then suddenly without warning switching to something non-deniably pornographic and defiling makes it virtually impossible to turn away in time.

Would YOU invite the indecently-clad crude-and-lewd jerks and jerkasses you see on TV - even momentarily - into your home, den, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, church lounge, etc. to rant and carry on obscenely and bother you intensely and incessantly....in person? Would you appreciate the intrusion and extreme annoyance of drinking hit-and-miss amounts of someone else's AIDS-infected semen, urine, or vomit with your lemonade or beer? That is basically what occurs when one switches onto live non-censored TV and sits or lays....zombie-like......in front of the TV -- mindlessly absorbing all the airwave or cable-broadcast filth on non-videocassette television!

It is no virtue whatsoever to be non-Scripturally "non-discriminatory," but it does instead contribute vast amounts of time and energy and more into the dirty lucrative offering plates of "civil"/"human"-rites legalists (and their "civil" "law" which is not civil and not worthy to be called "law"). All who support and demand such are themselves the worst discriminators: injustly and hypocritically discriminating against the obedient who rightly and properly discriminate with holy and righteous (not "self"-righteous) discretion according to the LORD's (and the Bible's) desire to love the good and hate the evil (human and otherwise).

If something is so non-relentingly perverse over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, and one cannot do anything to eliminate the source so as to stop sinking deep and deeper into the muck: avoid it entirely! Turn the TV off and keep it off! Do something else which is useful, constructive, and profitable!

There is no obligation nor requirement to "once-in-a-while" "test" it out - even briefly - to see if things have improved, are the same, or have gotten worse. If there is any change for the better, the Holy Spirit will let one know in ways other than self-appointed purveying (with demonic curiosity) so that one is free from being hogtied to repeatedly and deliberately digging their own nose into accursedly-despicable dung.

Porn in Sandals
